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want work permit

Dear Sir/Madam

Hope doing well i am sharafatullah i live koln city on 28/06/2023 i hot asylum for 3 years so now how can get the work permit from goverment could you please give me information 



Reply (9)

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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @sharafatullah.haqyar , congratulations to you. As a recognized asylum seeker you can work in Germany. You do not need an extra permit. If you currently do not have work you are entitled to receive the benefits from the Job Center. They can also help you find a job. You can read more about your rights here: If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best wishes
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Faire Integration BB
Hi Sharafatullah, have you already thought about the possibility of an apprenticeship? Maybe this could be a good option for you. An apprenticeship completed in Germany later offers many advantages for a life in Germany. You can also earn money with an apprenticeship. I understand that you currently have a Aufenthaltsgestattung.? In the asylum procedure, there is a waiting period of 9 months to start a apprenticeship. If the procedure is not completed by then, the immigration authorities should issue a permit. If you are interested in this possibility, please write back. All the best
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Yara_Community Manger
Hi @Faire Integration BB thank you for your valuable tips. What would the procedure be if @sharafatullah.haqyar has received refugee protection and a residency for three years. Would he have the right to start working from the day of the decision from BAMF? Or would he have to wait until he received his residency. As far as I understood @sharafatullah.haqyar has received the positive decision from BAMF in June. Thank you for your feedback. Best wishes
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Faire Integration BB
@Yara_Community Manger Hello Yara, Hello @sharafatullah.haqyar please excuse the delay in my reply. The law says that a work permit automatically accompanies the granted protection status. However, the BAMF - notice does not include the work permit in writing. Since employers have to check the work permit before hiring, you have to get a residence permit or a fictional certificate (Fiktionsbescheinigung) with the note of the work permit from the immigration office as soon as possible. In the case of a concrete job offer, the authorities should help here quickly. best regards
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Yara_Community Manger
@Faire Integration BB thank you for the valuable info! @sharafatullah.haqyar , if you have any further questions please let me know. Best wishes
Yes i got positive dection from dusseldorf BAMF now how can i get work permit from auslandabehodae office
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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @sharafatullah.haqyar , with a positive decision from the BAMF and if I understood correctly, a 3 year residency, you have the right to work without needing permission from the Ausländerbehörde. On Handbook Germany we can provide you with some valuable tips for the job search: If you need any further information or have further questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Best wishes
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Faire Integration BB
In theory, you already have permission to work. But you need it in writing. Make an appointment at the immigration office and take your BAMF notification with you. You will then receive an ID card or a provisional Fiktionsbescheinigung that states in writing that you are allowed to work. This is important. All the best, Jens
Thanks alot for your information
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