What counts as social welfare?
I am applying for permanent residency.
I have all of the requirements, employment, housing, health insurance, B1 certificate. However, i also recieved payments from health insurance due to long-time illness from work.
My Rentenversicherung Versicherungsverlauf shows several months as
Beitragszeit mit Pflichtbeiträgen
Bezug von Leistungen eines Sozialleistungsträgers
Krankheit oder Gesundheitsmaßnahme
Does this count as Social Welfare Payments received?
Will this negatively impact my application?
Thank you.
Reply (1)
Hello @lbbkwi-de ,
you mention you have received Krankengeld. This belongs to one of “unschädliche” or harmless social welfare payments in regards to obtaining a permanent residency. You can check the section 7 and 8 (Teil 1) of this document. https://www.der-paritaetische.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Publikationen/doc/broschuere_lebensunterhaltssicherung-2024_web.pdf
As long as you meet other requirements this should not have a negative impact on your application. I wish you good luck and let us know if you have further questions!
Best wishes