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what jobs require B1 level in germany

am currently studying in Qatar and i am looking for working and learning in Germany i am just 17 and by the time i graduate i will be finishing my B1 level and am asking is this enough to get a ausbildung in germany that i can develop in and maybe study it more in uni maybe 



Reply (3)

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Hello @demo0play21 , thank you for your question on our platform. . In order to obtain a visa for an "Ausbildung" you will need B1 level, if you want to receive a visa to search for a vocational training you will need B2 level of German. For studies you will need at least B2, but this requirement varies and depends on the type of studies. There is a good overview of required German skills depending on the type of visa you want to receive. You can find this overview on the following website, when you scroll down:… . Please let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes
thx alot for your responding so the scenario in my mind is like this and I hope you tell me if that achievable . i would apply for any job that require only a B1 level then I'm gonna work for a year in Germany that's gonna help me get to the B2 then at that time i would apply for what i want as ausbildung is this thing achievable? if so can u help me get to know which jobs could give me visa for just B1 and high school degree
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Hi @demo0play21 , thanks for your reply. You can already apply for a visa to start an Ausbildung with B1 level. Here is more information on visa for vocational training: Best wishes
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