Women athletes
How can women athletes apply for german humantirian visa?
How can women athletes apply for german humantirian visa?
Hi, thank you for your inquiry.These answers are provisional, as we do not know your exact situation and cannot give legal advice.
As a rule, it is not possible to enter Germany on humanitarian reasons. However, there are many other ways to enter Germany to live and work there. For example to work: https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visum-aufenthalt/arten. If you are in Germany, it is also possible to apply for asylum. Within Germany, you would need to contact the German authorities, i.e. the Immigration Office, an arrival centre ("Ankunftzentrum") or an initial reception centre ("Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung") and inform them that you want to apply for asylum. Unfortunately, we cannot answer whether your situation constitutes reasons for asylum or protection against deportation, as we do not offer legal advice. For further information, we recommend that you contact a migration advice centre.
What can you do next?
Find an advice center: https://adressen.asyl.net/ and https://life-initiative.org/en/beratungsstelle/
Find a lawyer (you will have to pay): https://bravsearch.bea-brak.de/bravsearch/index.brak (“Fachanwaltsbezeichung”: “Migrationsrecht”) and https://life-initiative.org/en/anwaltssuche/
I hope this information is helpful for you. If you have further questions, please let me know.
Kind regards,
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. The @LIFE Initiative will answer your question as soon as possible.
Best wishes