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Work Permit

This question was posted from our community member Zak.

Hope you are doing well, I came from Iraq on a student Visa and I studied for one semester at Private University called BSBI then I realized that the education at this university is only to bring Student to Germany and give them a certificate which not accredited and I discovered this after coming to Berlin and studying at BSBI

then I applied to a bachelor's degree in Business Informatic and I have received an acceptance letter from German Public University over the past few days and I switched my university but the problem that I am facing that my money that I have it in the bank will be enough for me only for two years maximum and I can not take credit from the bank because I am international students and I can not come back to my country because the situation in my country is so bad and it will take me three years of work there to make 10,000 euros and come back here to finish the university. my country was always at war from 2003 till now and I suffered a lot to reach Germany legally and I do not want to apply for Asulym because that will slow down the process of my study at University and I do not want to take money from the Government, I think

the new university is in the Schwarzwald Furtwangen Hochschule, it is very good university but it is not easy to find job because it is not a good city, the population there are around 9000 people and half of them are students, so the part time job there are not available and it is pretty hard to get it

can I postphone one semester and ask the government to allow me to work for full time in the city of Stuttgard or Berlin to make some money and come back to university to finish my degree without losing the study permit

where can I get advice for such as Issue ?

I do not want to take money from the Goverment and I will never do that because that would be bad for my future residence permit as I am looking for permanent Residence Permit in Germany just I wanted to postpone one year from my study once my money is finished and I can get work easily in the city because I know Germany language up to B1 level as well. In the city within three days I can get work and get money

How can I solve this problem?

 Best regards 




Reply (11)

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Hello @Zak and thank you for explaining your situation in detail. If you have a student residence permit you are not allowed to earn more than around 450 euros a month, starting from October 550 euros a month. If you earn more than that you will be charged with taxes. To change your residence to work one year could be a bit difficult. First of all maybe you can also see if you can find a part time job remotely/online and earn money, which doesn’t not require you to move to a bigger city to work. I would also suggest that you receive advice from your university Furthermore, you can let me know what city you are currently in and then I can find an advice center near you that can help you further to see how you can switch your residency. Just let me know your postcode. I hope that you will successfully complete your studies soon. If you have further questions, I am always happy to help. Best wishes Yara
Thank you very much for your help, I live currently in Berlin, and my address: 12051, Berlin, Germany and I really appreciate your help too much. my residence Permit allows me to work for 20 hours per week and when I came to Germany and from the first week, I was able to find a job legally in Berlin for 20 hours per week but in October, I was receiving around 800 euros per months and I pay taxes around 100 euros per months I need to move to Furtwangen Hochschule and live there and I hope I can get a mini Job there Thanks Zaki
@Yara__Community_Manager Please can tell where can I get an advice for such as cases, I will try my best to find mini Job there but for example if my money will finish after two years probably, and let say I will apply for refugee will they will let me work and finish my university there. Thanks Zaki
@Yara__Community_Manager and actually, I will put this option as the last option if I did not find work there but if I find Mini Job, everything would be find and I think applying for refugee, they will put me in the Camp and give me 300 euros without letting me work, I hate wasting this time without working or studying 300 euros is not enough at all and if I do not prove my story that I am at danger in my home country, they will reject me and that is not at good at all and I think they will not even allow me to complete my study what matter for me right now is just try to work and finish the university right now Thanks for your help
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Hi @Zak , yes, applying for asylum will close many doors, like you described.The Furtwangen Hochschule also has a website for student jobs: If you look at the various job search sites you can also look for mini/student jobs that can be done online. Just in case that Furtwangen doesn't offer that many student jobs, as it is a much smaller city then Berlin. I am confident that you will find something! In case you need support with writing your application you can find more information here: Best wishes, and if you have any other concerns and questions let me know, sorry for the late reply. Yara
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Hi @Zak , how are you? I just wanted to check if you were able to find a suitable job and continue your studies in Furtwangen? Best wishes Yara
Thank your for the follow up, Yes, I found a part time Job near Furtwangen but it kind of stressful to work after lectures for 4 hours per day and wait for the bus to come back home but I will manage it somehow and study during the weekend and I am trying to find Job from home in Big Cities so that it will not be stressful because the Job is around 30 minutes away from Furtwangen, it is in Triberg and I have to wait for the Bus but next semester I will try to live in Stuttgart and study online, all of the lectures are hyprid that means I can take them online and I will try to move to Big cities such as Stuttgard to find a flexible part time Job like 10 days per months according to the schedule that I have and live there until I will graduate and go to University just during the exam period to save time and improve my German Language to B2 or even C1 I think Part time Job will help me renew my Student Visa along with money that I have it in my Bank account Thanks again for your answer and help Zaki
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Hi @Zak , thank you for the update! That does sound stressful. I hope that you can move to Stuttgart and/or find a job from home. Best of luck with your studies too! If you have any further questions I am always happy to help. Regards Yara
Hallo Yara, hope you are doing good, I have a question and my question is, As you know my situation, I was working in near Furtwangen im Schwarzwald and I was able to pass the first semester without any problem and I thank God for that but I am so much tired because I need to work every day after the lecture for 4 hours from 3 pm till 8 and I wait one hour for the bus to come, so I reached home at 10:00 pm and I need to study and do my assignment and be present in the lectures in the next day, I was living like animal, I did not have so much time to relax and the bus system in this area is so bad. Likely all of our lectures are Hybrid with high quality and it is online ? can I move to Essen because the rent there is so cheap, and there are so many Jobs there because of there are three big cities and study online and only go to Furtwangen during the exam and I talked with my dean, the university does not have any problem as long as I can pass the exam It is so easily to work and study there online because of good transportation system there and also once my residency before get expired, I will go back to Furtwangen and make new Anmeldung here in Furtwangen and renew my Visa from Auslanderberhörde in Furtwangen without problem ? is that matter legally a problem? Can you please answer my questuion? Best Regards Zak
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Hello @Zak , I am good, thank you, how have you been? Congratulations for passing the first semester! Working and commuting after university sounds exhausting. I think it’s a good idea to receive the approval for your move to Essen from the university in writing, in case any of the offices ask for it. Once you move to Essen you must register your new address in Essen at the ""Bürgeramt" there. Then the Ausländerbehörde in Essen will be in charge in case you need to go there. When you move back to Furstwalde and register, then the Ausländerbehörde in Furstwalde will be in charge again. I cannot guarantee you that this will not cause any problems, sometimes the workers at the Ausländerbehörde can be quite harsh. But if you can give a reason and proof that your university allows this move then I think it should not cause much problems. I am also not an expert, and I would highly recommend that you seek advice with your student advice center. Have you been there yet? Are they helpful for international students? You can find their contact here: Otherwise, you can also go to the Diakonie they also have migration counseling and might be able to answer your questions, it’s worth contacting them via mail/phone… I hope the move to Essen goes smoothly. I am always happy to help if you have any questions. Best wishes Yara

Ganes Poddar 

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  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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