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Labour Laws

Work permit

How can I get work permit for mini Job


Reply (3)

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Faire Integration BB
Hello alias, There is no special work permit for a minijob. In this point a minijob counts like a normal job, just with a limited income (520 euros per month) and therefore limited working hours. There are some special rules for this type of job. If necessary, you can use this link to find out more about mini-job regulations. With a residence permit that allows you to work in Germany, you can also work in a mini job. If you are studying in Germany, special rules apply to working hours. Please let me know what residence permit you have and if you have any further questions. If you already have an employment contract, I can check it for you. All the best kind regards Jens Leuner
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Yara_Community Manger
Thank you @Faire Integration BB for your answer! . Hello @Alis , and thank you for your question. We mention in the chapter on Mini-Job, that one can opt out on paying for the pension insurance. This will give you more net income. However, it is good to know that in order to obtain a permanent residency one needs to contribute to the pension insurance for at least 60months, the amount does not matter. . Let us know if you have any further questions. We are always happy to help. Best wishes Yara
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