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Md Bahar Hossain
Labour Laws

work permit visa

 Sir, I am Bahar a citizen of Bangladesh I am 31 years old I am interested in coming to Germany for a work permit I am currently working in the garment textile industry. as a warehouse inchage.I know my job and I am interested in taking a work permit for agricultural work but I want to come to Germany please help me


Reply (2)

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Barbara_Community Manager
Hey @Md Bahar Hossain , thank you for your question. To be able to get a work permit, you need to be considered as a skilled worker. You can read more about that here: If your degree is already recognized, you will need to apply for jobs. You can find job posting on platforms like STEPSTONE, MONSTER.DE or INDEED As soon as you receive a work contract/job offer, you are able to apply for a work permit at your local German embassy/consulate. You can also apply for a job search visa and have 6 months to find a job in Germany. Find out more about the Jobseeker's Visa and its requirements here: . Lastly, I would like to share ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF VISA and their requirements if either of the above is suitable for you: I hope you find this information useful. Let me know if you have any other questions. Best Barbara
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Barbara_Community Manager

Hello @Md Bahar Hossain  , How are you doing? Were the links I sent you useful? How is your job search going? Would you share your experience? I look forward to your reply. Best Barbara 

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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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