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Working permit

I have been holding duldung for the past 4 years. I have passed my language tests upto B1. I obtained vocational training contract. Though I have a degree in hospitality. However,  I was refused with Ausbildungsduldung  with a simple reason that I come fromm a safe country. 

I am leaving here in Germany with two daughters which one has a German father and the othe is not. The German child is yet to receive her birth certificate since my divorce with my previous husband is yet to be recognised.  For good 4 years I have been with dulsund. Please what can be my chances and which law is available for my case.


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Hello @mussey , thank you for posting your question on our platform. I can imagine that it must be frustrating to hear that you were refused the Ausbildungsdulung because you come from a so-called safe country even though you have received a contract for vocational training. . But there might be some other possibilities to get out of the Duldung. One could be the so called Chancenaufenthalt. This is under §104C of the residency law. You can receive this short-term residency (18months), if you have been in Germany since latest 31st of Oct 2017 either in Duldung, Aufenthaltsgestattung or Aufenthaltstiel. If this is the case you can apply for this short-term residency that will allow you to stay and work in Germany for 18months. Please note you cannot profit from this residency if the following apply to you: . This residency cannot be extended but if you are able to secure your own livelihood, and receive a job you are able to switch to another residency, more information what requirements you need to fulfill to extend your residence can be found here: Could you also let me know in what city you currently reside, in that case I can also refer you to a local counselling centre if necessary, they can also help you with the application process. If you have any further questions please let me know Best wishes
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