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Expecting a Baby

What do I need to know?

Whether longed for or entirely unplanned, pregnancy and childbirth is a life-changing event. It can throw parents off the track for a while. In this chapter, you will find out where to seek help and support during pregnancy, what rights you have, and what issues you need to consider and plan for before childbirth. 

What should I know?

If you suspect that you are pregnant, you can buy a pregnancy test kit from a drug store and pharmacy and take a pregnancy test at home. If the test result is positive and you are pregnant, you should visit a gynaecologist. To find a gynaecologist you can check or ask your family doctor ("Hausarzt") for a referral. There are many gynaecologists available in Germany - you can easily find a female gynaecologist if you prefer.

When making an appointment with the gynaecologist you've chosen, tell them you are probably pregnant so you do not have to wait long for an appointment. The gynaecologist will check to make sure you are pregnant and you and the unborn child are doing well.

To ensure your baby is in optimal condition, you will have to give a urine and blood sample. An initial ultrasound examination will also determine the expected date of birth. After the initial examination, you will be given your maternity pass.

    If you are pregnant, your gynaecologist will hand you a so-called "Mutterpass", i.e. a booklet in which the results of all the check-ups during pregnancy are going to be recorded. You should show this booklet every time you go to your gynaecologist, midwife or hospital.  Always take your “Mutterpass” with you when you leave your home so that any doctors can quickly see the most important information about your health condition, your pregnancy and your baby in case of an emergency.

    Please note: In general, regardless of whether you are pregnant, it is advisable to visit a gynaecologist at least once a year. In Germany, the costs are covered by health insurance companies. If you are still in the asylum procedure, however, the costs will only be covered if you have acute pain or if you are pregnant.

      Every pregnant person in Germany has a statutory right to medical care. The costs for such care are either covered by your health insurance or the Social Welfare Office ("Sozialamt").

      In the first months of pregnancy, you should visit your gynaecologist every four weeks- and during the last eight weeks, once every two weeks. Your gynaecologist will do a check up to make sure you and your child are healthy. At each appointment, your doctor will check your weigh, measure your blood pressure and test your urine and (sometimes) your blood. Plus, he/she will check the baby’s heartbeat. In the third, sixth and eighth months, an additional ultrasound test is performed to check the fetus's development. It is essential that you do not forget these checkups- checkups are the only way your doctor can recognise risks at an early stage and prevent further difficulties. Check your "Mutterpass" to find out which tests and checkups are necessary and when. "Mutterpass" is the booklet you will be handed at the first checkup when your gynaecologist established that you are pregnant. A full list of regular checkups will be recorded in there.

      Please note: In addition to the regular checkups, there are tests designed to detect signs of malformations or developmental disorders in your unborn child. These tests are called prenatal diagnostics ("Pränataldiagnostik"). You are not obliged to do these tests- and if you would like to take them, you usually have to cover the costs personally. The health insurance pays the costs of such tests only if your doctor suspects the fetus may have a malformation or illness. These tests, however, do not always end up in precise results.

        Midwife: You can search for a midwife who will look after you during pregnancy and after childbirth. A midwife is a health-care professional who specialises in attending pregnant women and infants. Your health insurance covers the costs for such care. Visit to search for a midwife nearby. You can also ask your gynaecologist for a skilled midwife. Keep in mind that you should start your search as early as possible, as midwives are often in high demand.

        "Geburtsklinik" or "Gebursthaus": Find a clinic with obstetrics ward ("Geburtsklinik") or a Birthing Centre ("Gebursthaus") for the childbirth. A Birthing Centre ("Gebursthaus") is an institution (run by midwives) which is more intimate and cosy than a clinic. But keep in mind that in case of a risky pregnancy ("Risikoschwangerschaft"), you are better off in a clinic. In many clinics and Birthing Centres, you can visit, look around in peace and ask questions in advance and then decide.

        Birth Preparation Course ("Geburtsvorbereitungskurs"): If you would like to know more about the childbirth process and prepare for it, you can attend a birth preparation course ("Geburtsvorbereitungskurs"), the costs of which are covered by the health insurance. Your doctor or midwife can tell you where to find such a course. Some courses are only for mothers or fathers- but there are also courses you can visit as a couple. In such classes, you often learn breathing exercises and relaxation techniques and can ask all your questions regarding the childbirth process.

        Maternity Benefits or “Mutterschaftsgeld”: If you are pregnant and working, you are entitled to "maternity benefits" ("Mutterschaftsgeld")- you need to apply for it at your health insurance at least seven weeks before childbirth. To apply, you need a certificate (from your doctor) which specifies the expected date of birth. You need to send this certificate directly to your health insurance. In case you have a mini-job or are privately insured, you will receive reduced maternity benefits. If so, you have to apply for maternity benefits directly at the Federal Insurance Office ("Bundesversicherungsamt"). To do so, fill out the application for maternity benefits online and send it to the Federal Insurance Office along with all the certificates mentioned.

        Parental Leave: If one of the parents wants to go on parental leave right after the childbirth, they should inform their employer at the latest seven weeks before the delivery. You can read more about parental leave in our chapter “Parental Leave”.

        Paternity: If you are not married, the father of the child can declare paternity. Only when the father recognises paternity, the maintenance obligation applies to him and the child, for instance, can claim citizenship through the father. To establish paternity, the child's parents must go to the Youth Welfare Office responsible. You can find the proper Youth Wlfare Office at The paternity recognition process takes place free of charge. The mother has to bring her "Mutterpass", ID card and birth certificate and the father has to present his ID and birth certificate. Keep in mind that the foreign birth certificates must have been translated by a certified translator to be recognised. To search for certified translator nearby, visit or If you want to go through a paternity recognition process after childbirth, you must also hand in your newborn baby's birth certificate. Without the required documents, paternity recognition is usually not possible. If this is the case, seek advice from a counselling centre or a lawyer in advance. You can find a counselling centre nearby on our local information page. Enter the name of your city and search for an asylum, residence or legal counselling service in your area.

        Please note: Paternity can also be established by a court (in accordance with § 1600d Judicial determination of paternity). The adult child, the father or the mother can apply for it. The competent family court decides on the application. If the court approves the application, a paternity test is carried out to verify the parentage. The procedure is called "parentage proceedings" (“Abstammungsverfahren”).

          You should inform your manager that you are pregnant after three months of pregnancy at the latest.

          In general, you are not obliged to inform them about your pregnancy, but it makes sense to do so–it is advisable to inform them after three months of pregnancy at the latest so that they have enough time to find a substitute for you. Furthermore, you have exclusive rights in the workplace in accordance with the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) once your superior learns about your pregnancy,

          • you must not be assigned heavy or dangerous tasks
          • you must not be exposed to noise, heat, humidity or time pressure
          • you have a right to sufficient breaks
          • you must not work overtime
          • you must not work at night
          • you must not work on Sundays or official holidays

          Maternity protection („Mutterschutz“):

          The maternity protection period lasts 14 weeks. It begins 6 weeks before the expected date of birth and ends 8 weeks after. You do not have to work in the last six weeks before delivery unless you absolutely want to continue working, and you are not allowed to work under any circumstances in the first 8 weeks after childbirth.

          Please note: If the child is born before or after the due date, the start and end dates of the maternity protection leave will be adjusted so that the mother can enjoy the entire 14 weeks like others. 

          If your child is born before the due date, maternity leave ends as many days later as your child was born before the expected date.

          If your child is born after the expected date, maternity leave is extended by the number of days your child was born later.

          In some cases, maternity protection does not end until 12 weeks after the birth, bringing the total to 18 weeks:

          • when your child is medically considered premature,
          • when you have twins, triplets or other multiples,
          • in the case of the birth of children with disabilities. You must then apply to your health insurance fund for an extension.

          As long as you are in the Maternity Protection period, you will receive "Maternity Benefits"(“Mutterschaftsgeld”) instead of your regular salary. You can read more about maternity benefits in the "What should I plan for during pregnancy?" section.

          You should not work in certain jobs at all during pregnancy, e.g. if there are particular risks to your health. This applies to working with chemicals or radiation, pathogens or physically demanding work or in night shifts. In order to take protective measures and prevent unsafe work conditions, it makes sense to inform your employer about your pregnancy at an early stage.

          Please note: During a job interview, you usually do not have to say that you are pregnant or would like to become pregnant. Even if asked, you do not have to tell the truth. However, such a rule does not apply to jobs which you cannot practice as a pregnant woman (such as modelling or working as a dancer) and jobs that endanger your health in case of a pregnancy.

            As a pregnant person, you are protected against job dismissal in Germany, which means from the beginning of pregnancy to four months after childbirth, and during parental leave, your boss cannot dismiss you. Keep in mind that you must inform your boss about your pregnancy, and It is best to do so by handing in a confirmation letter from your doctor since only a written notice can legally secure your position. If you have been dismissed before informing your boss about your pregnancy, you can submit the certificate mentioned above within two weeks of the dismissal.

              Pregnant persons have certain rights in the workplace, regulated by the Maternity Protection Act. You can find detailed information on this in the section “What rights do I have in the workplace?” or “Can I be dismissed during pregnancy?”.

              You are also entitled to maternity protection if you have a fixed-term employment contract. However, you also lose your right to maternity protection when the contractually agreed employment relationship ends.

              Please note: If you have a fixed-term contract and your contract expires during pregnancy, your employer does not have to renew your contract. In this case, you need to find a new job or register yourself as a jobseeker.

              However, if your employer does not extend your employment contract because of your pregnancy, you can take legal action because this is not permitted by law.

              You are also entitled to maternity protection during the probationary period. If your employer does not hire you after the probationary period due to your pregnancy, you can take legal action.

              People in vocational training are also entitled to maternity protection. You can extend the training period due to your pregnancy. To do so, you must submit an application to the relevant professional chamber.

                If you want to spend more time with your child, you can go on parental leave ("Elternzeit"). Parental leave is an unpaid leave from your job for which parents of newborn babies and young children can apply. You can learn more in our chapters “Parental Leave” and “Parental Benefits”.

                  You must go to the Civil Registry Office (“Standesamt”) at your baby's place of birth (the latest) one week after the delivery and register the birth. There you will be issued a birth certificate for your child. You have to pay about 20€  for your child's birth certificate. To register your newborn at the Civil Registry Office, you must submit the following documents:

                  • A confirmation from the clinic where your child was born ("Geburtsanzeige")
                  • Your ID card (as the mother) and the father's ID card (if you are married or in case the father has acknowledged paternity)
                  • Your birth certificate (as the mother) and the father's birth certificate (if you are married or in case the father has acknowledged paternity)
                  • Your marriage certificate (if you are married to the child's father)
                  • Confirmation of paternity recognition (if you are not married to the child's father but the father's name is recorded on the birth certificate)

                  In principle, the Civil Registry Office will not issue your child a birth certificate if you do not have all the necessary documents, but you still can register your child there. You need to go to the Civil Registry Office and apply for a "statement of birth registration" ("Auszug aus dem Geburtenregister"). Such a statement is an official document which you can use for different types of registration and application (for example, to apply for child benefits).

                  Please note: Only if your marriage is registered in the Civil Registry Office (i.e. the so-called civil marriage), you and your child's father hold joint custody of your child. Otherwise, the mother is the sole holder of a child's custody. The father can submit a joint custody declaration with the mother or "sue" for joint custody.

                  The parent who holds custody is responsible for the child's upbringing. He or she decides, e.g. which kindergarten or school the child attends, with whom he/she interacts and where he/she lives. If you want to share the custody with the father of the child, you must both submit a so-called "custody declaration"(Sorgerechtserklärung") at the responsible Youth Welfare Office. You can find the proper Youth Welfare Office at

                    The state provides all German and (partly) foreign families with child benefits, i.e. the so-called "Kindergeld". For every underage child, the parent will receive €250 child benefits per month. Whether you have an income and what you earn does not affect the amount of child benefit you receive.

                    You can find detailed information in our chapter on "Child benefit". You can also apply for parental allowance if you take parental leave after the birth of your child. You can find information in the chapters "Parental allowance" and "Parental leave".

                    You can contact the Social Welfare Office or the Jobcentre if you need further financial support. If you have little or no income, you can apply for financial aid to buy pregnancy clothing, baby equipment, etc. To do so, contact the staff member responsible for your case and show them your "Mutterpass". Furthermore, you can also apply for financial support from the Federal Foundation for Mother and Child ("Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind"). To apply, you need to go to a counselling centre in your area–you can find one on the website of

                      There are numerous counselling centres for pregnant women in Germany. They can provide you with advice and support concerning all your pregnancy-related questions - you can find one of these centres in your area on the website of In addition, you can call the Pregnancy Emergency Hotline 24 hours a day at 0800 - 40 40 020. The staff speak many languages ​​and can provide you with cost-free and anonymous advice on all relevant topics.

                      For more information about pregnancy, you ​​can also visit and find more helpful tips on the issue in many different languages.

                        When you have to leave Germany but do not go voluntarily (learn more on our chapter “Voluntary Return” ), in principle, you may be deported even if you are pregnant. However, the deportation must not take place in the last six weeks before childbirth and the first eight weeks after. During this period, you are, in principle, entitled to a tolerated stay permit or "Duldung". Eight weeks after the childbirth, you will be required to leave or be deported along with your baby. Visit our chapter "Rejected Asylum" to find out more about your possibilities to stay in Germany despite being obliged to leave. If your deportation is imminent, you must immediately seek advice from a counselling centre or lawyer.

                        You can find a counselling centre nearby on our local information page. Enter the name of your city and search for an asylum, residence or legal counselling service in your area.



                          Sometimes, a person becomes pregnant despite not being ready for pregnancy or raising a child. Here we explain your rights and options regarding abortion and adoption. In addition, you will be reading about the "morning-after pill" ("Pille danach") and contraceptive means in general.

                          What should I know?

                          Termination of pregnancy is a very personal decision that you make yourself. Nobody can or should make this decision for you. If you decide in favour of an abortion, you may have many questions or fears. There are confidential counselling centres out there to reach out to for support– one of the first points of contact in Germany, for example, is

                          1.  If you decide to have an abortion, then you must comply with statutory deadlines and regulations. You can abort the foetus until the 12th week after conception if you have already visited a counselling centre, talked to an expert and received a consultation certificate, which proves that you, as a pregnant person, have received comprehensive advice. The counselling is confidential and the counsellors understand your situation. The decision in favour of or against an abortion will be for you to make. The counselling must have taken place at least three days before the medical procedure. You will find counselling centres in your area on
                          2. If you become pregnant as a result of rape, you can have an abortion performed by a doctor until the 12th week after conception. In this case, you do not need to go to a counselling centre before abortion. You can, however, seek advice from a counselling centre in your area free of charge.
                          3. If the pregnancy endangers your physical or mental health, you can go through an abortion even after the 12th week- but a doctor must confirm that continuation of the pregnancy will put your health at risk.

                          Please notePeople under the age of 18 can also terminate an unwanted pregnancy without penalty, like adults. However, doctors may want to obtain parental consent, especially for girls between the ages of 14 and 16. That depends on whether the doctors trust you to make such a decision.

                          If you cannot tell your parents about the pregnancy, contact a counselling centre and seek help from the staff. Visit to find a counselling centre in your area– the service is free of charge, confidential and also anonymously available.

                          Pregnant persons, even if they are under the age of 18, may not be forced by their parents or others to terminate or carry a pregnancy to term against their will.


                            If you become pregnant through rape, or if your pregnancy endangers your health, your health insurance or the Social Welfare Office will cover the costs of abortion. If you want to end your pregnancy for other reasons, you will have to pay part of the expenses yourself; as your health insurance will only cover the costs of medical consultation and care as well as the medication before and after the procedure. You have to pay for the actual abortion process, which usually costs between €350 to €650 in a doctor’s practice. In the case of hospitalisation, the costs for the hospital stay are added. You can find out more about the various abortion methods in many different languages ​​at

                            Please note: If you receive benefits from the Social Welfare Office, Jobcentre, BAB or BAföG, or in case you do not earn much, you can apply for the assumption of the costs of abortion (“Übernahme der Kosten für die Abtreibung”) at your health insurance or the Social Welfare Office.

                              If you are not able to (or do not want to) raise your child, you can put the child up for adoption after birth. The Youth Welfare Office then takes responsibility and looks after your child for the time being. If you ultimately decide that you do not want to raise your child yourself, you can settle for adoption. The Youth Welfare Office will then look for a caring family that can raise your child.

                              Even if nobody can know about your pregnancy, there is still a possibility to give birth to your child- and you do not have to go through the process on your own either. You can opt for a so-called "confidential delivery" ("vertraulichen Geburt") and safely deliver your child in a hospital. Nobody will know your name except for a female consultant, and she is not allowed to talk to anyone about you- so you remain anonymous. After 16 years and under certain circumstances, your child have the right learn your name. But apart from your child, nobody has such a right.

                              Furthermore, you do not have to pay the costs of counselling and childbirth. If you want a "confidential delivery", you can contact the counselling centre "Beratung & Geburt vertraulich" 24 hours a day at 0800-4040020 or visit for online counselling. The service is free and anonymous, and the staff speak many languages. You can also contact a counselling centre in your area Alternatively, you can contact any clinic- the staff will know what to do.


                                If you have had unprotected sex and are worried that you might get pregnant, you can take the so-called "morning-after pill" within 12 hours of having sexual intercourse. The "morning-after pill" can prevent fertilisation of the egg- you can obtain such a pill without a prescription in any pharmacy. It usually costs between 15  to 30 euro. Keep in mind that time is of significance here: waiting for more than 12 hours will reduce the likelihood that the morning-after pill will work. Please note: The morning-after pill is not an abortion pill. It can only prevent pregnancy but not terminate it. If you are already pregnant, it is too late for the morning-after pill.

                                  The most common contraceptives are condoms and the so-called "birth control pills" ("Antibabypille"). You can buy condoms in supermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies, but for obtaining the birth control pill, you need a prescription from your gynaecologist. Birth control pills interfere with your natural hormonal balance and are considered as medicine; therefore, it is only available in the pharmacy and is handed out when there is a prescription. These pills usually cost between €10 to €20 per month. For those under 18 who are covered by statutory health insurance, the costs are covered by the insurance. If you are between 18 and 20 years old, you only have to pay 10% of the birth control pill if you are covered by statutory health insurance. In case you are covered by private health insurance, you will have to pay the costs personally, regardless of your age. If you are still in the asylum procedure, you can ask the staff member responsible at the Social Welfare Office if the costs can be covered. If you want to know more about the effects of birth control pills or other contraceptives, consult a gynaecologist or a counselling centre. You can also read more (in many languages) on the


                                    If you are pregnant and in need of help, call the "Pregnant in Distress Helpline" (“Hilfetelefon Schwngere in Not”). Their multilingual staff are available 24 hours at 0800 40 40 020. At your request, the advice can be provided anonymously.

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