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Who will help me to find my way in Germany and settle down?
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How does the German state support families? How can I apply for "Elterngeld"? What are the conditions I have to meet? And which documents I am expected to submit along with my application?
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What is "Jobcenter"? Who is eligible to receive "Bürgergeld" (Citizen's Allowance) and when?
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Am I entitled to "Kindergeld" in Germany? Where and when can I apply for child benefits? And which documents do I have to submit along with my application?
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How can I benefit from Nursing Care insurance ("Pflegekasse")? How can I find a suitable nursing service or nursing home ("Pflegeheim")?
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What is "home care"? Does my insurance cover the costs of nursing service? What if a relative takes care of me at home?
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When can I go on parental leave? Am I going to receive wages during my parental leave? Can I return to the same job after my parental leave?
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What is "Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket"? What does the educational package consist of? How can my child benefit from it?
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What are the main tasks of the Youth Welfare Office in Germany? What types of support do they provide children and parents? How can I reach out to them when I need help?
Hi all :) I hope someone can help me. Here is my situation: I worked in Germany for more than 6 years until June 2024. I got pregnant and my child was born September 2024. In the meantime I moved to a...