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Results found: 23

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    Do you need a German language certificate for a Job in Germany?

    I have been wondering if you must necessarily pass a German language certificate exam before you can work and stay in Germany?
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    working job

    How can I get a job ?
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    "Mini-Jobs" in Germany

    What is a "mini-job"? How much can I earn with it? Do I need to pay taxes for my mini-job? Can I have a mini-job and also receive unemployment benefit II?
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    Can I apply for an internship? Are there paid internships? How can I find an internship position?
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    Business Address Registration

    Hi everyone, I would like to start a business but i would like to know how to register the business address if my apartment wont allow me to use my address and my business will not have a physical...
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    About D Visa or Freelance

    Hello, I am computer engineer in Turkey. I have 5+ more experience as software developer. I was researching about "Digital Nomad Visa" for european countries. Portugal, Spain and Greece available for...
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    Self Employment

    Hello everyone, I'm a refuge from Ukraine, right now I'm studing in Hochschule, also working as "Werkstudent" (20 hours/week). I'm planing on opening an online shop in Germany and I have following...
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    Self employment

    How is it about
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    Singer wanting to move to Germany

    Hello there! I am a singer and I do freelance work online by teaching vocals, I have a home studio where I record and send vocals for projects on and off and I am also a performer. I have recently...
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    Graphic Design

    I want to work as part of a dynamic team where there is an opprtunity to make significant contribution along with develpoing personal skill with responsibility and faithful manner.

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A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo