I have been holding duldung for the past 4 years. I have passed my language tests upto B1. I obtained vocational training contract. Though I have a degree in hospitality. However, I was refused with...
Dear sir I hope you are well My name is Bahar Hossain (Bangladesh). I am Mezzo among four brothers and sisters. I wanted to do a government job after completing my education. But for some reason, I...
Can my employer fire me when I am on sick leave? I was working in a very racist environmental, suffering verbal agressions, moral harassment, have seen colleagues being punched in the face for my...
Hello sir I am getting to know that there is recruitment for electrical and electronics jobs in Germany
Hello! I am a recent Business graduated student and have a student permit in Latvia. My nationality is Sri Lanka. I got a job offer in Trossingen Germany as a cleaner in cleaning company. Can I...
Would you tell me details process?
I have experience in house painting and furniture polishing and welding in which I have about 15 to 20 years of experience and I want to get a job in another country in Europe so that I can support my...
Hello, I am a citizen in sri lanka who recently graduated in Latvia. I have a valid study vissa in Latvia till may. I got a job offer in German Altaheim as a nurse, my question is how can I change my...
Here is a question from a community member. Hi i need work primate ppubg0846
Can you please arrange me a visa/job.