Voluntary return

What types of support exist for my voluntary departure?
If you are a migrant in Germany who is thinking about leaving, you can apply for financial and logistical support for your voluntary return to your home country or departure for resettlement in a third country. The voluntary return support programme in Germany is called the REAG/GARP programme, which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). In these schemes, beside coverage of your travel costs, you can also receive financial starter grants. These grants should help you make a new start in your country of origin or a third country willing to issue you a residence permit. You can receive this aid within the frame of REAG / GARP- your nationality, however, is a deciding factor.
What do I need to know?
Can I receive financial support?
In principle, you can apply to REAG/GARP if you cannot personally finance your trip from Germany AND you belong to one of the following groups:
- Persons whose asylum application is ongoing, individuals who have a tolerated stay ("Duldung") or those obliged to leave Germany – provided they withdraw their asylum applications or refrain from seeking further legal remedies.
- Persons who are recognised, according to the Geneva Convention, as a refugee – and have a German residence permit.
- Persons who are entitled to reside in Germany according to international law or for humanitarian or political reasons.
- Victims of forced prostitution and/or human trafficking.
Please note that for voluntary departure from Germany to another country, you need a valid travel document of the respective state (e.g., a passport or a surrogate-passport like the Laissez-Passer) and a Border Crossing Certificate ("Grenzübertrittsbescheinigung" or GÜB) from German authorities. The Immigration Office is responsible for the issuance of Border Crossing certificates- you need to hand in this document at the border before your departure. For resettlement in a third country, you will need an immigration visa that entitles you to permanent residence or a long-term residence permit of at least one year, valid from the date of your departure.
Who is not eligible for support within REAG/GARP?
EU nationals cannot benefit from the REAG/GARP programme – except they are victims of forced prostitution or human trafficking. If you come from a non-EU country and do not require a visa to travel to Germany, your travel costs could be covered, but you won’t receive a travel allowance or financial starter grant - this applies, e.g., to people from the Western Balkan countries.
Where do I file my application?
You can only apply for assistance with voluntary return to your home country through a counselling centre. A non-binding and independent consultation can help you make an informed decision about voluntary return to your home country.
During a personal consultation, the counselling centres will inform you about the various support options available for your individual case and then forward your application to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
You can find repatriation counselling centres at various welfare organisations, other institutions, or social or immigration authorities. Additionally, you can file your application at repatriation counselling services, central repatriation advisory offices ("zentralen Rückkehrberatungsstelle") and the UNHCR. You can seek help from a repatriation advisory office nearby.
What costs will be covered by the REAG/GARP programme?
If you cannot afford your voluntary return, the REAG/GARP programme will support you financially and also help you plan and organise your departure. Whether you will receive financial support and if so, how much depends on different criteria, namely your nationality. The following options are possible:
- Covering the travel costs, i.e., ticket costs for the plane, bus, train or car
- Additional travel allowance
- A one-time starter grant
What costs do I have to cover?
If your travel documents need renewal; you will have to pay for the new documents personally. You will also need to cover the costs of your commute to the airport or train station. If you are planning to resettle in a country other than your home country, you will have to apply for an entry visa and cover the respected expenses.
What is a starter grant (“Starthilfe”)?
As the primary programme concerning voluntary departure, REAG/GARP can financially assist you with your new start in your country of origin - this financial aid is called a starter grant or "Starthilfe". The amount of your starter grant depends on your nationality.
You can find detailed information about the REAG/GARP-programme in various languages at returningfromgermany.de.
For which countries, the voluntary return is not currently supported?
Due to persistent security difficulties, the IOM does not support a voluntary return to Syria, Yemen or Libya within the REAG / GARP programme at this time. The same currently applies to voluntary return to Afghanistan. And also, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Voluntary return to these countries is currently not supported.
If you are from the above countries, you can benefit from REAG / GARP only if you have a visa or a long-term residence permit from a third country, i.e. to leave Germany and resettle in a third country.
Please note: Some federal states, however, allow a voluntary return to Syria, Libya and Yemen independent of the REAG / GARP programme - you can ask your refugee council whether your federal state allows voluntary return to these countries.
Voluntary return to Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia is possible, but must be examined separately for each case. This means the processing can take longer.
Returning to Belarus, Armenia and the Russian Federation may also be difficult at the moment. Here, too, processing can therefore take longer.
Can I return to Germany after my voluntary departure?
Your temporary stay permit ("Aufenthaltsgestattung") or residence permit ("Aufenthaltserlaubnis") loses its validity upon your voluntary departure. So, you cannot simply return if you change your mind. However, you can apply for a visa and travel to Germany later, since, in principle, voluntary returnees are not prohibited from re-entry. After deportation, however, you are, in principle, not allowed to return to Germany for a few years. You can find out more about the different types of visa and the relevant requirements in our chapter "Immigration".
Please note: In case you re-enter Germany after voluntarily leaving with the IOM's aid, you will not be entitled to support for voluntary return again. If you return to Germany permanently after a voluntary return, you must repay the financial aid you have received.
Can I receive support if I can personally finance the trip?
If you can finance your departure yourself or in case you have already received aid within the REAG/GARP programme once, you will not be able to apply again. However, the IOM may be able to help you with travel expenses through the Special Migrants Assistance Programme (SMAP) by providing you and one of your companions with discounted airline tickets. Besides, migrant workers, students and other migrants can also benefit from the SMAP. Flight costs should be covered before departure by the individual or by another body, such as the Social Welfare Office or a charity. In some cases, the Social Welfare Office also assists you with your onward journey to a third country that is ready to allow your resettlement.
Am I going to receive aid after my return?
Depending on the country you want to return to, there are different reintegration programmes to support your new start in your country of origin. You can get support for labour market integration, further training or receive payments in kind. On returningfromgermany.de, you can see whether there are reintegration programmes available in your country of origin.
The Federal Government also supports various IOM activities which are facilitating reintegration, for example in Afghanistan and Iraq. The IOM is also implementing multiple reintegration projects under the joint EU-IOM Initiative for the Protection and Reintegration of Migrants in 26 countries, namely for returnees in the Sahel and Lake Chad, North Africa and the Horn of Africa. For more information, you can seek advice at a counselling centre.
Where can I find more information?
At returningfromgermany.de, you can find specific information regarding the voluntary return to your home country. You can also seek information and advice online from the IOM's voluntary return counsellors through their "Virtual Counselling" programme. This service allows you to get in direct contact with voluntary return counsellors from your country. You can watch this explanatory YouTube video to learn how to get help from the IOM's online information and counselling service.
You can call the BAMF's voluntary return hotline (+49 911 9430) Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and ask your questions about voluntary departure. The staff speak German and English. If you live in Berlin or Brandenburg, you can also contact the IOM hotline on + 49 30 90 269 4848 and + 49 3364 427150.
Additional links
Returning from Germany
Planning to return to your home country? Here you can find counselling, helpful programs and state-specific information.
Country Fact Sheets
Here you can find information about the situation in your home country.
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