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Change of Companies

I have received a new job contract from another company, after being with my current company for 5 years. I still only have a Aufenthaltstitle, can I automatically change to the new company or what is the process to make the change? How do I know if my Aufenthaltstitle is tied to my current company and that that means I can only work there?


Reply (10)

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Hello @gerhardvd80 , thank you for your question. The answer depends on what type of residence you have. If you have a blue card you no longer need approval for the job change, more information can be found on our info page: . There is also more information about employment change for those residing Berlin. The process can look slightly different in different cities: . Finally it should be noted on your residency card or contract if your residency is tied to your job. If this is not the case then you do not need prior approval from the employment or immigration office to change your job. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Best wishes for your new job.
Hallo Yara, thank you for the information. I have a Aufenthaltstitle 18B, but nowhere on the card does it specify my company, I have found a letter from the District office where I renewed my Aufenthaltstitle in 2021 and there it states the company name in the letter. I have sent them emails and tried phoning them but with no luck. Do you know if there is a system where I can book an appointment? I might see about going to the office early one morning and waiting there to see someone. Otherwise, I will try the Welcome Center here in Hamburg. Did I make a mistake now by accepting the other contract already?
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Hi @gerhardvd80 , thanks for the reply. I would not worry much you have been with the company for 5 years, as far as I see it you do not need prior approval for the job change from the immigration office or the employment office. Finally if you are unsure and want to double check it might be a good idea to give them a call. What is important is that your new job offer is also a so called "skilled workers" job where a degree is necessary. Here you can contact the immigration office in Hamburg:… Best wishes
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Hi @gerhardvd80 , I also wanted to give you additional information. Maybe it is also worth looking into applying for a permanent residency. Usually you can obtain it after 5 years of of residency. Here we have more information on the permanent residency: Best wishes
Hi @Yara__Community_Manager many thanks for the additional information, could you perhaps tell me if it is possible to do this while on probation at the new company? I have read this cannot be done in this period. I also need to check my German level, last time I renewed my Aufenthaltstitle, I was told I needed a B1 level. Believe I might be there, just need/want to do the test. Did it also not change that I might be able to apply for citizenship after 5 years already?
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Hi @gerhardvd80 , you can find the requirements for naturalization on our info page here: As far as I know it should be possible to apply for the German citizenship even during your probation period. Yes you will need to proof that you have at least B1 level. The law has not yet been changed. We will update our info pages once it does. Let me know if you have any further questions I am happy to answer them. Best wishes
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Hey @gerhardvd80  

I wanted to quickly check in with you. Could you reach the immigration office or find out more about the possible options for you? Please get in touch if you have more questions.

best wishes



Hey Seoyoung

Thank you for the follow-up.

I have an appointment now with the Welcome Center in July, but this needs some changes, as the invite says it is for a blue card, but I am currently here only on a skilled worker permit.

But maybe you could also help me, I am struggling right now with investigating as well as how to apply for my case to be reviewed for permanent residence at this stage. It is even unclear where/how I can apply for a Termin.

I found the following on but is there not an online application also possible? Can it only be by post?
Where can I apply for a permanent residence permit?

You must apply for the permanent residence permit in writing at the Immigration Office responsible for you. You can search for the responsible Immigration Office at You will find the necessary form, i.e. "Application for the Permanent Residence Permit" ("Antrag auf Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis") on the Immigration Office website. You have to send the filled application form, a biometric passport photo and the following documents to the responsible Immigration Office via post:



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Dear @gerhardvd80  ,

in general, the application for permanent residency should be submitted via post. This might vary between Bundesländer. In Berlin for example, it is also possible to send it through an online contact form. The information regarding this should be on the website of each immigration office. Also, the immigration office will send you an invitation once they have gone through your application. It is not possible to book an appointment in advance for this.

If you need help, let me know in which Bundesland you live and I can find out if there are other options for sending the application other than via post.

best wishes



Hi Seoyoung,

I live in the Hamburg Bundesland, I hope they also have an online option, but if not, then I am not even sure of the address to where I should post the documents. I live in postcode 20255.

When I arrived in Germany, I went to the Eimsbüttel office, but when I followed the website , then this office was not shown as an option when I entered my postcode.
I get shown:
Hammer Str. 30-34, 22041
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, Referat 41A
Sachsenstraße 12+14, 20097 Hamburg
This last one highlights at least who the contact persons are for Eimsbüttel.

Another question that comes to mind now, is which form and documents should I be sending. Is there a list somewhere I could go through?


Many thanks

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