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Akash Gunathilake
Labour Laws

Regarding work visa

Hey, I'm Akash Gunathilake from Sri Lanka and I'm a degree holder in Bussiness Management and Marketing offered by Canterbury Christ Church University in Scotland and currently working as a Business analyst. So here I am looking forward to working in Germany and making some good money and gaining better experience in the business field. To be frank, I am quite worried regarding when it comes to language which means the German language whether I couldn't do my job well due to lack of communication. so whether it would be a big problem for me foreign empolyee and I kindly request provide some solution.

Thank you 


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Yara_Community Manger
Hello @Akash Gunathilake , I am sure that there are many people like you, who also worry about their German language skills when they first come to Germany. So, thank you for the question. It is a good idea to inform yourself before coming to Germany what the working language at your new job is. In many job sectors, such as IT, the working language is usually English. You can also take part in an occupational German language course if your language skills are not yet sufficient for their day-to-day work. First, you will have to ask your employer if you can do a language course (also inform the workers council if your firm has one). You will have to pay half of the costs and the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal work agency) can cover the rest. More details in how to apply can be found here: You can also familiarize yourself with the basic German, more tipps on how to do this can be found here: If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask us here! Best of luck for your new start in Germany! Regards Yara
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