Searching Job without Permit
I am a foreigner and want to hunt a job in Germany but currently I'm not authorized to work with a permit. So is there any chance I can get the permit and look for a job? Or what is the best way to get a job in Germany as a foreigner (Non-EU)?
I have professional experience of more than 5 years but don't know how to start in German market, so any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Reply (3)
Hello @Azzy thank you for reaching out.
before I answer your question, can I ask you to change your current username to a nickname, we want to protect the privacy of the community in the public forum.
It’s great that you are already looking into job opportunities.
So, whether you can receive a work permit depends on your current residence status in Germany.
For example, if you are still in the asylum procedure there could some restrictions around receiving a work permit.
Please let me know what your current residency status is, then we can give you a more detailed answer.
In the meantime, we have lots of information regarding working in Germany on our page, you can take a look here:
Thank you and looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes
Hello @Yara_Community Manger , thank you for your response.
Currently, I am not a resident of Germany and I am based outside of EU. I am exploring opportunities to find a job in Germany and wondering what would be the best approach for someone in this situation, like me. I am specifically interested in understanding the process for obtaining a work permit from abroad and whether there are any ways that could help facilitate this.
Any guidance would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards