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Forum posts about "Labour Laws"

can I work as a freelancer while I'm a full-time employee?

Hi, I'm working as a freelancer since 2020, from the beginning of 2022 I'll start a full-time job in a company, can I keep my freelance work, or should I cancel it? 


thank you


Work Permit

This question was posted from our community member Zak.

Hope you are doing well, I came from Iraq on a student Visa and I studied for one semester at Private University called BSBI then I realized that the education at this university is only to bring Student to Germany and give them a certificate which not accredited and I discovered this after coming to Berlin and studying at BSBI

then I applied to a bachelor's degree in Business Informatic and I have received an acceptance letter from German Public University over the past few days and I switched my university but the problem that I am facing that my money that I have it in the bank will be enough for me only for two years maximum and I can not take credit from the bank because I am international students and I can not come back to my country because the situation in my country is so bad and it will take me three years of work there to make 10,000 euros and come back here to finish the university. my country was always at war from 2003 till now and I suffered a lot to reach Germany legally and I do not want to apply for Asulym because that will slow down the process of my study at University and I do not want to take money from the Government, I think

the new university is in the Schwarzwald Furtwangen Hochschule, it is very good university but it is not easy to find job because it is not a good city, the population there are around 9000 people and half of them are students, so the part time job there are not available and it is pretty hard to get it

can I postphone one semester and ask the government to allow me to work for full time in the city of Stuttgard or Berlin to make some money and come back to university to finish my degree without losing the study permit

where can I get advice for such as Issue ?

I do not want to take money from the Goverment and I will never do that because that would be bad for my future residence permit as I am looking for permanent Residence Permit in Germany just I wanted to postpone one year from my study once my money is finished and I can get work easily in the city because I know Germany language up to B1 level as well. In the city within three days I can get work and get money

How can I solve this problem?

 Best regards 




How to work in Germany as an Indian


I have done my Masters in English literature from Pune university, India.

Currently, I am working as an advisor in a UK based company for customer queries(utilities)

I wanted guidance as to how can I work in Germany.


Thanks and regards,

Sabera Lamba 


Forum posts about "Forms of Employment"

Afghani Burger Shop

Hello Everyone, 


Hope you all are safe and sound. I want to start a Burger shop which serve Afghani Burger in Bonn Zentrum. Would you please help me understand on the following areas,

1_ Though I have work permit and I am allowed to work in Germany, but I just want to know that for starting such a business, do I need to take any license or permission from any Government authority?


2_ How can I get rented space in Bonn Zentrum? Should I talk to Stadt Haus? Which department? Is there known email address?


3_ what are the risky or problematic points here, I mean is there any quality standard which should be maintained, what are the odds ???? 

4_ what are the applicable taxes in such businesses? 


I would be really appreciated if you can comment in details on above mentioned queries. 






Online business

I am new to Germany and I would like to start online business so what should I do?

And who can help? Am I legal to start it?


Freelancer in Germany

Hello Yara, hello Team! Thanks for the welcome and for this site, looks quite promising and helpful! I have a question regarding becoming a freelancer in Germany (Bavaria, München/Freising area). I am from an EU country, and would like to work as a specialist freelancer, that covers several areas.
What do I have to call myself to be able to do all these tasks:
- Translating
- Content creation
- Website design and maintenance
- Consultancy on specific topics
- Coaching, educating and mentoring individuals
- Creating online courses for education purposes (for myself and clients)
I would combine all of these, it is sort of a portfolio… Virtual Assistant, Life Coach, Business Consultant, Educator, Content Creator?
I would work online, so my clients would come from anywhere around the world. Do I need to differentiate between countries when providing the invoice? Who could I talk to about the details, what do you think? In English, as my German knowledge is still under development… Many thanks!


Forum posts about "Other"

Two minijobs / 12 hours a day

Hey there, I would like to ask if it is possible to work in 2 different minijobs on the same day. If so can I work 12 hours a day? If in total it is 12 hours, do I have to pay for a fine for that or the employer? 


Work as student Job in one state and study in another state

Hallo Yara,

hope you are doing good, I have a question and my question is,

As you know my situation, I was working in near Furtwangen im Schwarzwald and I was able to pass the first semester without any problem and I thank God for that but I am so much tired because I need to work every day after the lecture for 4 hours from 3 pm till 8 and I wait one hour for the bus to come, so I reached home at 10:00 pm and I need to study and do my assignment and be present in the lectures in the next day, I was living like animal, I did not have so much time to relax and the bus system in this area is so bad.

Fortuentely all of our lectures are Hybrid with high quality and it is online ?

can I move to Essen because the rent there is so cheap, and there are so many Jobs there because of there are three big cities and study online and only go to Furtwangen during the exam and I talked with my dean, the university does not have any problem as long as I can pass the exam

It is so easily to work and study there online because of good transportation system there
and also once my residency before get expired, I will go back to Furtwangen and make new Anmeldung here in Furtwangen and renew my Visa from Auslanderberhörde in Furtwangen without problem and show my block account of 10,000 Euros in the Bank?

is that matter legally a problem?

Best Regards



About work permit for trainee kitchen helper position


I don't have experience and qualifications in kitchen helper. If the recruiter would like to recruit me to train and do the job . Is it good to apply for visa? Is there any requirements to apply the position of kitchen helper ? Do i need experience? I have b1 level in german. And have experience in tourism sector. 

Thank you 


Forum posts about "Social Benefits"

I need a volunteer for an appointment with Jobcenter

Hello, Please I need a volunteer on Tuesday 06.09 for appointment with Jobcenter Berlin: Jobcenter Seydelstraße 2-5; 10117 Berlin at 11:30 am, please kindly help me thank you for your kindness ? 


I need translator for Job Center

I moved from Latvia and I can`t speak German. I applied Job Center for language course etc.. Job Center demanded many documents about me from authorities of Latvia. I provided all requested documents by translate from authorities of Latvia. But looks like  Job Center advisors has  still  many hesitation about me. I think that I didn't explain myself curroctly and for that reason the process extended to much .

For these reasons I need translator for  Latvian or English.

 But I can't afford cost of translators fees. How can find or demand a translator for free .





This Wednesday, 5.9.2923 I will have an appointment with the job centre in Munich but I don't speak any German. I feel extremely uncomfortable since last time I went on my own and it did not go well as the case officer was speaking only German.

Is there any chance to find a translator who will be available from 8:15 am for an hour?


Forum posts about "Taxes"

Tax class

My wife recently quit her job, now she gets ALG 1 and soon she will start an Ausbildung. So our tax classes should change. Where and how can I apply for this change?


intern salary tax

As an intern, does someone also pay taxes from her/his salary?


Freelancer visa status and part time employment

Hi, I would like to ask a question regarding the conditions of the freelancer visa.

I'm currently applying to a freelancer visa after freelancing earning very low income (< 9k per year) for 2 years with the job seeker visa after graduating from masters in Germany. I am freelancing in my area of expertise considering the masters and previous bachelor field. I just started a new part time job with a fixed salary and benefits that will actually save my life because freelancing was definitely not enough. My question is if I am actually allowed to do it and if in my appointment with the auslanderbehorde I should ask for the zusatzblat with permission to work part time. 

I really cannot let this part time employment pass because apart from being in my field it's a really great opportunity. But also with part time I cannot apply for a work visa. So I just hope it is a negotiable thing with the auslanderbehorde when I meet them for my freelancer visa appointment in February. 

Thank you for your amazing work! Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great weekend.


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