If you have a residence permit in accordance with Section 24 AufenthG but do not have Ukrainian citizenship, you must apply for a new residence permit by 4 March 2025, otherwise you may be required to...
Hello everyone on the platform Handbook Germany : Together! The LIFE Initiative will from now on answer questions about asylum and the asylum process in this forum. We are happy to help you with all...
Hi, I am Barbara, and I co-moderate the English forum together with Yara. I am pleased to support you with your questions about living and staying in Germany. In the forum (not here, under my...
What are my rights? Workshop! Dear Community, Is my boss allowed to do this? Do I get paid while I am ill? Is overtime paid? Who pays for work clothes? What can I do if I don't get paid? ... We can...
Hi, I am Yara and I moderate the English forum. Living in Germany comes with a lot of bureaucracy, paperwork and hurdles, especially for new comers or those that do not speak German perfectly. Handbook...
Dear Community, I am seeking advice on the eligibility criteria for the Niederlassungserlaubnis (permanent residence permit) in Germany. Specifically, I would like to understand how my previous...
I had was exmatriculated. I had finished my thesis and I failed one course last attempt. Before the last attempt I had an urgent call that my mother was sick, I managed to write the exam but couldn't...
I was ex matriculated but had already achieved 85 ECTS out of 90 ECTS. So I want to transfer my acquired ECTS to another university. So I asked if this would be a problem with foreign office. Because...
My name is N. H. son of Colonel Dr Abdullah my military rank is captain , and I served in the anti-narcotics department in a province with the British forces in drug operations and with the Danish...
Hello Everyone i would like to seek for your help, Currently im working and its going on my 6th month so literally im still on probationary. but due to exhaustion from work i had developed anxiety and...
Dear All I hope this message finds you well. I submitted my empolayment documents on August 21, 2023, to the coordination office of civil society Germany ( https://www.haagermany.help/dialog/index.html...
Good day. I went to register as unemployed at JobCenter in Berlin Mitte but they would not assist me and required that I come back with someone who speaks Deutsch to translate. Is there any free...
Hello, dear sir o madam My name is marzeya i was employee of ministry of education and women's right in Afghanistan I applied for a transfer to Germany several years ago when Afghanistan fell under...