Hi my name is Akash. I live in Berlin Mitte and Czech Republic (I am travelling because of work ). I have a child with Czech partner and baby was born in Czech Republic. Am I entitled for kindergeld...
My son and wife are living and registered at other home. But they are totatly dependent on me. my wife is a house wife. can I apply for child benefit now
Hi I am an American. I have a child from a naturalized German Citizen. He was already a German Citizen when my child was born. We were never married or lived together. He verbally acknowledges he is...
Hello everyone, A quick background: I became chronically ill in 2020 and have been battling with illness ever since. I have two children with a German national, they were both born in Scotland, I...
Hello, I am Jan Piere M. 34 years old, and I live here in the Philippines. I am the son of the late Alfred M. a German citizen. I would like to ask for help for the education of my child, Aiyah B. M...