The Jobcenter has been asking me for my Betriebs- und Heizkostenabrechnung 2022 and 2023. I have been asking for them to my landlord for a few months now. And he to the Hausverwaltung. I got a...
Hi dear friend, I have a quick question regarding my submission to the Jobcenter. I sent additional documents they required on September 3rd, and it's now been three weeks without any response. What...
Hallo and thank you in advance for your answer! My question is if as an EU citizen since I will be studying in Germany I can more than one mini jobs earning more that 530 monthly. Also does the limit...
It's about the flash btc and usdt transaction generator software a software that generate fake btc and usdt. The generated coin have almost all the features of the real coin.. The only difference is...
Hey guys, I applied to receive Bürgergeld but it was rejected even with all documents and I am being completely inside everything they ask for. Someone knows how can I get a revision of my case or...
Hi, I am unemployed for over a year and I would like to attend a bBootcamp with a Bildungsgutschein. I have an appointment next week but the course starts five days later my appointment at Arbeitsamt...
Hi I did my B1 level in 2020 then corona pandemic come and it disrupted my studies after 4 months, I went back to Goethe institute in Nairobi and I passed three modules lesen, schreiben and sprechen...