Hi everyone, I have been living in Berlin for 7 years and already fulfilled the need for Naturalisation. I have summitted my docments by paper last year and received letter from Bezirksamt asking me...
Hello there, I would like to ask you if in preparation for an application for German Citizenship via Naturalisation as an European citizen I will be requested to show proof of membership to a health...
Hello everyone, hope you are all well. I would like to ask a question regarding to naturalisation. I have previously lived in Germany for 23 months between August 2014 and July 2016. Then I moved to...
Hi there, I have been living in Germany more than 7 years, I am married to an EU citizen more than 6 years and got a permanent residence in 2022. This year I would like to apply for citizenship and...
Hi Team, I am living in Germany since 11/2018, now I am holding Niederlassungs Aufenthalt. I have completed my Einbürgerung as well. Now I am pursuing my B1 German. When would I eligible to apply...
Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I have been studying in Germany for 5 years and I will be graduated sooner. As far as I read, I have gained a right to get German Citizinship because of...
With the reform of Germany's citizenship law expected to come into force in April 2024, how do people that currently have an assurance of naturalisation (Einbürgerungszusicherung) go about having dual...
Hi there, After i live in Germany for almost 6 years, i was recognized as a refugee, few months ago i have recevied approval for my ( PR-niederlassungserlaubnis ), so apart of all the requirements...