Hi, My 18 year old stepson lives in the UK, his father still resides in Germany and has refused to pay any maintenance yet he is still in education all be it home schooling online college, he is not...
Hello, I am moving in Germany soon with my family, I have one little child. I have been accepted in a master program in Germany and I have been offered a mini-job. I am an EU citizen. I wanted to ask...
Hello everyone, A quick background: I became chronically ill in 2020 and have been battling with illness ever since. I have two children with a German national, they were both born in Scotland, I...
Hello, Does anyone know if a parent can stop paying child maintenance whilst a deed of maintenance is going through the court process. Up until now he has been paying a voluntary amount which is below...
One of the required attachments for maternity allowance application is the proof of salary of the last 12 months. Do these payslips need to be translated? Is my own translation enough? I worked in...
Hi my name is Akash. I live in Berlin Mitte and Czech Republic (I am travelling because of work ). I have a child with Czech partner and baby was born in Czech Republic. Am I entitled for kindergeld...
Hi all :) I hope someone can help me. Here is my situation: I worked in Germany for more than 6 years until June 2024. I got pregnant and my child was born September 2024. In the meantime I moved to a...
I have to ask what to do about my situation: Do I go to the police or only notify the family Kasse? bezugnehmend auf Ihre Briefe vom 16.09.2024 und 07.10.2024 möchte ich folgenden Sachverhalt...
My son and wife are living and registered at other home. But they are totatly dependent on me. my wife is a house wife. can I apply for child benefit now