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Everything about visas, residence and naturalisation

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Forum posts about "Citizenship"

Dual citizenship


I'm a US American citizen and have been living in Germany for over 10 years. I have always worked during this time and never received any social welfare payments. Can I apply for dual citizenship? What are the requirements?


Requirements for older people

Good evening,   I read that people of older age are exempt from taking the naturalization test.  After what age is one exempt from testing?  Also are there any other requirements.   I have lived in Germany for over 20 years now.  What do I need to do to obtain a German passport?  I am over 60 years old. Thank you very much. 


Naturalisation for International Students

Hello @My Nguyen :) 

I have a question regarding Naturalisation for International Students, I am an international Student who has the C1level in german and who already passed the Integration test and have a document from my university that I belong to one of the most engaged students at the university. I have a 16B ABS.1 Residence permit and have been in Germany since end of 2018, I will finish my Bachelor degree soon. Am I eligible to apply from now for Naturalisation? Do I meet the criterias? I hope you can answer my question since I am not able to find any information regarding Naturalisation for International Students.


Many thanks and best regards :)


Forum posts about "Skilled Workers"

Blue card step by step guide


can someone share the step by step guide re applying for the blue card ? 
here is some additional data:

I am 40 yo 

IT background , 18 y of experience.

i have a contract with local GHBH entity.

2 kids, married. 


An American Immigrant in Germany

I'm a skilled professional from the US (Atlanta) and I moved to Germany, because I was told I could get a work/live permit here.  Almost 3 months have passed and I have not be offered a job contract, and because of the residency laws here, I don't have an "official" residence.  When I arrived here I had enough money to pay my rent for 3 months.  I had to spend that money on Airbnb, because I no one would rent me an apartment without having a job.and now I'm living with a friend as a guest - he's not allowed by his landlord to have a roommate.  I used to have freelance clients in the US, but now I don't have that anymore, because I'm in Germany, and I don't have income in Germany, because I don't know enough people for freelance work, and none of the companies I've applied with have offered a job.  It's a crazy circle, and now I'm concerned about living here because my travel visa ends very soon.  Does anyone have experience with this?


Immigration and blue card with family

Hello the following question reached us from the community.
ayselsahin9  asked us the following question:

Have a nice day . I am writing you from turkey. My name is Aysel, I was born on 1988. I am originally from Azerbaijan. I have been living in Turkey for 14 years. I am married and have 2 children. My profession is a nurse. I know English and Russian languages. Unfortunately, I do not have any knowledge of the German language, but I can assure you that I can learn it in a short time. If there is an opportunity to migrate with my family with a blue card, I would like to get information about this from you. I'm grateful already 

Yara_Community Manager

Forum posts about "Other"

German Visa Sponsorship

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are all well,

I am from Afghanistan, I have a colleague from Germany, who want to sponsor me for German Visa, therefore please kindly instruct me on the process and procedure.

Thanks in advance;



Regarding get back to germany

I am Nazari from afghanistan i need some information:

If a familly have been in germany for 12 years and their childrwn bornt and grow up in germany up to 10 or 11 years old after they leave germany for 8 years now can they get back to germany by their citizenship? Or they lost their german citizenship? If they lost what should be done to get back citizenship?

With regard

Ghawsullah n


Regarding get back to germany

Hello sir
Hope fine and doing well
Hope my question will be answered to me.
I am from afghanistan My fiancee who is from afghanistan but bornt from her afghani parents in germany in 2004 she return to afghanistan with her family to afghanistan in 2014 for 8year she engaged with me in 2022 now both of us plan to go to germany is our procedure is different from family reunification? Because in family reunification one of couple should be in germany but we both are in afghanistan and want to process our case from third country from pakistan.
How long our process will take because process of family reunification take more than 1year ?
Is our procedure will take long time or short time from the duration of family reunification .
It is remarkable that my finacee has red passport of germany.
Please guide me .


Forum posts about "Visa & Residence"

Working in another EU country with German permanent residence permit

Is it possible to work in another EU country (say, Italy) after obtaining a permanent residence permit in Germany? 

Maha Day

Residence permit for non-ukrainian persons


I am a Moroccan citizen and I was studying in Ukraine but I fleed to Germany on the 1st of March because of the war. Fortunuately, I have completed my Master degree in Computer Engineering before the war and I have all my university certificates with me. Now, I am living in Aachen and I have registred and done the thumbprints at Auländeramt of Aachen. In these two months, I got accepted in two paid internships and I received a work contract, however I couldn't change my status from an ukrainian refugee to a work residence permit applicant.
Do I have the right to change my status? Do you have any advice for me, please?

Thank you



Dear Sir/Madam,

I have lost my Ukranian residence permit which works till sept 2027.

I got rejected to do registration,get tickets to travel.

I will highly appreciate,if you guide me,on how i can solve this case!





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  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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