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Family reunification, children, marriage and more

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Forum posts about "Family Reunification"

Germany Admission

I was working with german government in Afghanistan, I got my acceptance to go germany as an immigrant from third country like Pakistan or Iran, but after my acceptance letter I married and now I am pregnant, my husband and my child father was not included in application because I was single at the time of applying. 

So, I would like to ask can I go with husband to third country and will the embassy issue visa for my husband too? 

While, he was not included in my application. 

At all, I wanted to take an advice to what do that my husbnad go with me. 



Family Reunification Conditions for Afghans

I am Sayed an Afghan refugee from Iran.

My brother is currently living in Germany with his family and he works in a Company. My question is, if I can apply for family Reunification through my brother? I have also worked for GIZ projects in Afghanistan and have sufficient documentation to prove my claim.

I appreciate you if you can reply my message at your earliest convenience.


Best Regards,



Coming to Germany through father

Someone from my community asks: "My father is residing in Germany since 1980. He is retired and has a permanent residence permit. He got married there but last year his wife passed away. I'm 33, married with a child. Can I come to Germany through my father's permanent residence? What should I do?" 


Forum posts about "Support for Families"


I am German former local worker in Afghanistan. I came to Germany in March 2022. I have 3 year residence permit. We are receiving Arbeitslosgeld II (Herz 4) from jobcenter. Am I eligible to apply for for Kindergeld for my two sons?

There is also information about Kinderzuschlag on handbook Germany webpage. Can I apply for both?


Gh. Nabi


extra financial support


i am living in germany with my wife and son

now how i get the extra money for financial support 

our income is and currently need extra money 

please guide me 

thank you 


kinder geld

need to know about kinder geld


Forum posts about "Kids & Custody"

My son

I'm Nigeria I live in Italy I'm asylum seeker and my girlfriend is German she come to Italy and she got pregnant we give birth to a boy the baby I was born in Germany because I cannot travel she blocked me everywhere please I need help I don't know her to reach her I have her I'd,photos,and photos of our son


Forum posts about "Marriage & Divorce"

Please ? some help

My daughters Maria 10 years und sara 3 years there mother asked me divorce since 1 month and all of them now in Dubai and i am now in Aachen city in Germany.

I came here since 6 month to find job i am senior pharmacist since 10 year 


What i can do please ?


Immegration and divorce Rule

I'm seeking the following information if the Husband wants to move to his home country for his personal reason(Taking care of his old aged parent and wish to raise child in his home country because of which he thinks its best solution ) and the wife refuses to return back with her adopted (holding Joint custody child) also seeking divorce in Germany and Husband seeking divorce in his home country .


Wife don't wish to leave her custody although she is not a biological mother, not even ready for mutual consent divorce  and not ready to give a child custody . How to deal with such a situation. She is still eligible to get residence visa of Germany ? because the husband will have no role if he dergister himself from Germany. Husband still has to support her and the child financially .Germany court can still him to support his family from abroad ?


We got married 2016 in Home country moved in 2018 in germany . I'm holding niederlansungerlabnis visa. We now living more than 5 year as married couple in Germany.

She is Just house wife and has no income and wish to depend only on Husbund income(she sees more benfit to get divorce in Germany).and as husband he feels like he is dupped in marriage realationship just for money and he do not wish to sponser his wife anymore and would like to settle matter only in his (abraod) family court.



Divorce and stay in Germany

The following question has reached us from the community member @2124omid:

Dear Sir or Madam:
My wife and I have been accepted into Germany's federal admission program for at-risk Afghans, and the main applicant is my wife, but she wants a divorce, so if we come to Germany and she requests a divorce, will my stay in Germany be canceled?
Please explain the changes in my stay after this incident.

Thank you


Forum posts about "Other"

Child access for a father living in the UK

I live and work in the UK.
My daughter was born 2.5 years ago in Germany (during the pandemic) in the Region of Hessen.
My daughter and my ex-partner lived with me in the UK half of this time, on and off (due to Brexit rules).
My child has spent more than half her life with me, in my home, and with me spending holidays with her in Germany too.

My ex-partner has moved back to Germany (still in north Hessen) with our daughter, and is becoming increasingly difficult, refusing me to take our daughter on holidays to my home or anywhere.
My daughter has grown up a large part of her life in my house, she knows the neighbours, the town, the places to go and have fun, we went to the beach countless times, etc. She is happy and safe here. The mother only opposes to me having our daughter "because she is too young", and refuses to say when I could have her by myself, for even a weekend.

I declared our daughter as my child before birth with the competent authorities, and also after birth.

To make things easier for the mother of my child, she asked me to give her full custody, as I live abroad and cannot sign documents related to school etc. I was reluctant to do this, but she managed to get it out of me. I fear I made a mistake, as I am a caring and loving father.

My ex-partner is also asking for what I perceive a large amount of child support (I have been giving money, more than the British system would say based on my wages).
We have not drafted nor signed any document rleated to this, or anything else regarding support, visits etc

I need legal help to figure out what my rights are, and how to exercise them, as I terribly miss my daughter and feel powerless confronted to the unknown German laws. (I sadly do not speak German).

Many thanks.




Family bringing to Grrmany


I have permanent residence of Germany together with my family

But i want bring my father and mother

How can i do this?

Best regard


Interview issue

My wife is 7th month pregnant women and we are waiting in pakistan for visa interview, still it is unknown the date of interview for us if we request from Embassy of Germany in Islamabad for early interview they will accept our request or it is possible to attain interview early as compare to other waiting list? 

If we wait more it will be difficult for us in the future to travel.


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