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Forum posts about "Your Rights"

Ausbildung und heiraten

Hello, I wish you all  Christmas and happy new year.

lately I was really thinking to end my life, but because I love my girlfriend so much and my dog, I stand up again and think  how I can fix my problem to have a normal life with my family.

I am Egyptian I run from my country because the dictator government and politic and the discriminating community, including my Egyptian family.

I came to Germany and apply  regarding the mandatory army duty and because I don’t have  they don’t accept this in Egyptian and  so bad that I have fear to live there, but after one year the BAMF reject my request I went to lawyer and he make objection.

now I’m facing some problems:

I was in Speyer then they transferred me to Bad Kreuznach, the immigration office there is so racist and so difficult to talk with, and they always say we will bring you back to your country. Nothing else no chance to work no chance to study no chance to marry.

I already got accepted in  university but they take my semester ticket from me and email the university that I’m not allowed to study there. I  transfer to    but they did not accept because it’s outside of the Bundesland (Rheinland to Niedersachsen).

 Me and my girlfriend plan to marry but the standesamt didn’t accept my expired passport which I gave to the BAMF and I can’t make new one regarding the mandatory army deuty.

Now I exam B1 level and got the Anerkennung from ZAB for my Bachelor and applied for Ausbildung als Pflegefachmann and got accepted but in Hamburg because I would like to be near to my girlfriend and her family as I consider them really my  family, but I’m scared that the immigration office will say “no you cannot do it. You cannot transfer, and you cannot do Ausbildung because the BAMF rejected your request and we have your passport and Egypt is safe country so we will bring you back” as they already said that to me many times. I asked the helping centers in Bad Kreuznach but no body gave me complete answers, also the lawyer is so busy and can not gave me extra answers for what I can do,


Would you help me with complete details how I can stay with my girlfriend in germany without being always under the pressure that one day they are going to bring me back to Egypt.

also how can we marry with my expired passport, and how can I transfer to live with my girlfriend city or near by city, I would do any solution for that, just please show me the way. thank you so much ❤️


water supply

water supply


Forum posts about "Everyday life"

my life dangar in afghanistan

I want your help me save my life


Anybody Know if music boxing machines are good for daily fitness?

With the growing popularity of smart music boxing machines, the market is flooded with options. However, finding the perfect device that offers quality and value can be challenging. 

Which Brand is the best choice?


Forum posts about "Mobility"

Recognition of Driving license for Buses and trucks.

Hello team, I have recently been offered a job to work as a bus driver. I have a license to drive buses and trucks. My license is not from EU or EEA. How can I get my license recognised so as I could take up this job offer. Thanks! 


how to get driver license

hello everyone I hope this message find you well. I  am an asylum seeker and I have a driving licence of my country but it will expires in next June. could you please help me how to get new German one?


Driving license

Hello, my name is faisal. I have moved to the Germany. I mean I am new in Germany. I had  valid drivering  license in Afghanistan and I brought it here with me. I want to change my drivering license to Germany drivering  license. how I can do it?


Forum posts about "Racism & Discrimination"

Apartment for sick people

I have already provided background information in another question so here I quickly write it again. I am Ortskräfte I came to Germany legally according to S22. I am not Asylum Seeker. It has been 1.5 year that we live in Heim in one room. My mother is sick. I tried many ways even I got WBS but because my hair is black I cant find an apartment. Can I log an official complain against Sozialamt, Stadh Rathaus if yes how and where I can find lawyer to help me? I want a solution if you can help. Authorities in my city discriminating against us. 


Forum posts about "Other"

Bank account without Anmeldung?

Good morning. A query.. Do you you know some bank to open an account that does not ask for Anmeldung? It could be an online bank, except for n26 that has rejected me because they said that my passport is special because it lasts just 1 year and they need a document that is valid for at least 4 years. I am processing a new passport but it will take a little while. And I need to pay the bills already. Thanks for your help


Welcome to Handbook Germany : Together Forum

Hi, I am Yara and I moderate the English forum.

Living in Germany comes with a lot of bureaucracy, paperwork and hurdles, especially for new comers or those that do not speak German perfectly.
Handbook Germany : Together offers you a multilingual community platform all about life in Germany. Here you can share your experiences and ask your questions. You will receive answers from the community and myself, if you need more specific information I can help you reach out to experts that can help you find the answers you need.

I am looking forward to receiving your posts on the forum!

Best wishes



Integration into German Society

Greetings to all,

Despite this is not a question but I am posting here for platform members and moderators if they can help. 

German government does not have a good integration plan for immigrants. It does not make sense that bring immigrants and put them in Heim, where apparently not fit for habitat, shared toilets and ONE room for 4 or 5 people. Standard space for living in Germany is 44sqm for one individual. Why a family of four persons can not rent an apartment of 2 rooms in German market? Where is law? UNHCR? 

Immigrants experience cultural shock, depression, anxiety, language where they are moved to. They need psychosocial counseling to ease their depression. On other hand they face discrimination and racism in government agencies because they can not speak German. 

Those evacuated and/or migrated to Germany does not mean were dying of hunger. Most of them had all life facilities only their life were in danger. For some cultures it is difficult to live in shared spaces. I think, the government should pay special attention to support immigrants psychosocially and there should be frequent orientations and work with them to so that they can properly be integrated into society? Only integration course does not suffice. 


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A project by:
  • medienmacher
  • Funded by the European Union Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland Logo
  • Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism Logo
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  • International Rescue Committee Logo