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Information for Skilled Workers


Professional training and working in Germany

Germany is looking for skilled workers– but who exactly is considered a "skilled worker"? Professionals with vocational training or professional qualifications, so-called “highly qualified” people with university degrees and those undergoing vocational training in Germany count as "skilled workers" or "Fachkräfte". In other words, those who are studying or doing vocational training here.

Skilled workers require a visa and then a residence permit to enter and stay in Germany. There are different types of residence permits depending on the exact purpose of the stay. The information below covers different kinds of visas and is relevant for skilled workers who are still abroad and those already living in Germany.

Here, you will also find detailed information on the recognition procedure for degrees or professional qualifications. We also inform you about the requirements for family reunification and the schooling of children. If you are coming to Germany as a skilled worker, it is important to know your rights as an employee. On this page, you will find relevant information about employee rights in Germany.

If you would like to know more about how to find a flat, open a bank account or take out health insurance, then have a look on our page ‘First steps in Germany for Immigrants’.

You can find all other information about life in Germany under the various categories on our website (e.g., "Live", "Health", "Education" or "Family").

If you still have questions, please visit our forum and seek support. You can ask your questions anonymously– Our community managers and experts will happily answer.

Visa & Residence

  • EU Blue Card

    What is an EU Blue Card? Who can apply for one? Can I work and live anywhere in the EU with an EU Blue Card?

    Blaue Karte EU
  • Visa for Skilled Workers

    Can I come to Germany to work? Who is considered a "skilled worker"? How can I apply for a visa?

    Two health professionals at work
  • “Opportunity Card” for Jobseekers

    The "Chancenkarte" is a points-based system that allows you to stay in Germany to look for work.

    Hand hält eine Karte, auf der "Chance" steht.
  • Visa for Jobseekers

    Can I come to Germany to look for a job? What requirements do I need to meet for a visa? 

    Das Bild zeigt einen Mann im Anzug. Er betritt gerade die Lobby eines Gebäudes und zieht einen grauen Rollkoffer hinter sich her. in der Hand hält er einen roten Reisepass.
  • Visa for Vocational Training

    Can I come to Germany for vocational training? Which requirements do I need to meet to obtain a vocational training visa?

    Two man speaking in a workshop
  • Visa and Residence Permit for Students

    How can I obtain a student visa and study in a university in Germany? Can I stay in Germany after graduation?

    Women with scarf studying in library
  • Visa for Seeking a Vocational Training or University Programme

    Can I come to Germany to look for a vocational training position or university programme? What are the requirements?

    Das Bild zeigt ein Klassenzimmer mit zwei Studentin und zwei Studenten. Alle heben die Hand. Vor ihnen liegen dicke Bücher und sie sitzen vor Maschinen, an denen bunte Kabel hängen.
  • Visa for Self-Employment

    Can I come to Germany to work as a self-employed professional? What requirements do I need to meet for a visa?

    Das Bild zeigt eine junge Frau an ihrem Küchentisch. Auf dem Tisch steht ihr Laptop aufgeklappt. Sie blättert in einigen Unterlagen und lächelt.
  • Visa for Research Work

    Can I come to Germany and work as a researcher? What documents do I need for my visa application?

    Das Bild zeigt eine Forscherin. Sie sitzt an einem Labortisch und untersucht eine Probe unter einem Vergrößerungsglas. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen PC.
  • Changing Residence Title and Purpose of Stay

    The new regulations of the Skilled Immigration Act introduce concepts known as "purpose change" („Zweckwechsel“) and "track change" („Spurwechsel“), which allows qualifying individuals to switch their residence title or stay permit.

    Zweck- und Spurwechsel
  • National Visa Type D

    Can I enter Germany and stay for long term? Who needs a national visa for entering Germany? How is national visa different from Schengen visa? What documents do I need to present when applying for a national visa type D?

    Photo of a visa application form
  • Declaration of Commitment for National Visa Type D

    What is a declaration of commitment for National Visa Type D? What requirements do I have to meet to submit one?

    Two people greeting each other at the airport
  • Permanent Residence Permit for Immigrants

    Can I obtain permanent residence permit and settle in Germany? Where and how can I apply? What requirements do I need to meet?

    Das Bild zeigt eine Familie mit Vater, Mutter, Kinder und Großeltern.
  • "Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht"

    The new law, "Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht", is designated to help people with "Duldung" obtain a residence permit, first for 18 months and then, under certain circumstances, long term.

    Chapter Chancenaufenthaltsrecht

Recognition Procedure (for degrees & professional qualifications)

Employment Laws

  • Labour rights

    What is an "Abmahnung" and when may my employer send me one? Where can I get help when I face problems at work? 

  • Employment Contract

    Do I need a written employment contract? How high is the minimum wage for my job? What is a "Tarifvertrag"?

  • Termination of Employment Contract

    How can I protect myself against dismissal from work? Can employers fire pregnant women or persons with disabilities? Where can I seek help if I have lost my job due to discrimination?

    Woman at work reading a document with concerned expression
  • Works Council and Union

    What is works council? How can it help me with my work-related issues? Can we found works council at our workplace? 

    Tafel mit der Aufschrift "Betriebsrat"


  • Family Reunification for Immigrants

    What kind of residence permit I need for my family to be able to come to Germany? What are the prerequisites for family reunification? Where can I apply? What if the Immigration office reject my application?

  • Kita: Childcare in Germany

    What are my childcare options as a parent in Germany? Where can I get help if I cannot find a childminder or kindergarten? 

    A young woman helps a young child draw with crayons
  • Schools in Germany

    What types of school exist in each German federal state? What kind of evaluation and certificate system exist in my federal state? 

    Klassenraum mit gestapelten Tischen und Stühlen, Schultüte und Rucksack vor einer Tafel.
  • Child Benefits

    Am I entitled to "Kindergeld" in Germany? Where and when can I apply for child benefits? And which documents do I have to submit along with my application? 

    Das Bild zeigt Geldscheine, auf denen ein Taschenrechner und ein Schnuller liegen.

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